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How much does an aquarium cost? What are the costs for basic equipment? How much does the current monthly expenses and an aquarium cost?

Basic equipment costs
You are faced with the decision to buy an aquarium, but you are still unsure about the cost and time required?

In this series of articles I want to dive into exactly these topics. This guide is intended to give you an idea of ​​what you should expect.

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First let's consider the cost of today's acquisition. What are the costs for basic equipment?

Of course, this is very closely related to how big your aquarium should be. A 27-liter nano aquarium is available from Amazon, for example, from $ 18,00. For an aquarium with a capacity of 300 liters, you must expect about $ 160.00.

An aquarium cover and a base cabinet are not included.

A stable cabinet of drawers or shelves can also be used as a base cabinet.

Now for aquarium technology. An inner tank filter that can filter a tank in the 50l-100l range is available from Tetra, for example, for $ 21.75.

In order to have an external filter that can filter a group of about 90l-300l, you have to spend around $ 65.00 (external filter from Tetra). If you want to learn more about aquarium filters, please read my "Aquarium Filter" article.

There is also light. A surface light is available from $ 27.99.

Depending on the type of fish you want to keep, you also need a heater for your pool. Here there is the possibility to get a floor heating or controlled heater, also known as heating rods. Standard heaters are available from $ 13.40 on Amazon.

Underfloor heating is somewhat more expensive than a standard heater, but it also has a few advantages. Read more about this in my article on aquarium heating. There are advantages and disadvantages of the controlled fireplace and floor heating explained.

Whether you need a driven heater for a 50 liter aquarium or one for a 150 liter aquarium only plays a small role in the price. (Means: A heater for a pool in the 25-60 liter range costs $ 12.40, a heater for a pool in the range of 100-140 liters costs $ 14.97.)

Add here are various aquarium accessories. Starting with a landing net, a thermometer, an extra bucket, gravel, tree, decoration, eg mangrove roots, sinking vessel ect.

For landing nets, thermometers and buckets you can expect around $ 10.00 - $ 14.00.

You can get a 25kg sack with aquarium gravel for about $ 10.00.

Today you can also order great aquatic plants online. 6 bundles with over 40 aquatic plants are available from $ 10.99. Of course, here, it depends on how big your tank is and how much you need for your plants.

For decoration, you can recalculate between $ 18.00 and $ 35.00 depending on the size of your pool. If you are looking for a beautiful mangrove stump that you can choose individually according to shape and size, then check out my webshop.

In general, acquisition costs range from $ 120.00 - $ 350.00 if you purchase items separately.

But it is also possible to purchase a complete aquarium set with filters, pots, lids and lighting. Such as Dennerle NanoCube Complete Plus. However, you should make sure that the aquarium technology involved is of good quality.